( MENAFN – Trend News Agency) ASHGABAT, Turkmenistan, October 19. Representatives of the Chamber of Commerce and Industry and the Ministry of Finance and Economy of Turkmenistan participate in the …
Why has Turkmenistan’s succession plan gone sideways?
A narcissist father and his rebellious son are experiencing trouble Thus, Turkmenistan’s ongoing succession crisis is an opportunity for these regimes to see how a power transition from father to son …
Iraq And Turkmenistan Discuss Gas Imports
By John Lee. During a meeting with Turkmenistan’s Minister of State for Gas Affairs, Iraq’s Deputy Prime Minister for Energy and Minister …
Iraq signs ‘preliminary’ gas deal with Turkmenistan
Iraq on Friday signed an initial agreement with Turkmenistan to import much-needed gas for the country’s insufficient and dilapidated electricity grid, officials said.They added that talks are still needed to arrange transport through Iran.
Kazakhstan Plans To Develop Middle And Southern Transport Corridors
The Southern Transport Corridor is going to stretch from Kyrgyzstan via Uzbekistan and the Caspian Sea port of Turkmenbashi in Turkmenistan to the port of Astrakhan in Russia. This is going to be the …
Turkmenistan: What Serdar does in the shadows
Perhaps perturbed by the amount of international attention Turkmenistan is getting these days, Russia has resorted to love-bombing. At least a couple of Russian high officials chose the occasion of …
Turkmenistan Discusses New Investment Opportunities With Foreign Partners
( MENAFN – Trend News Agency) ASHGABAT, Turkmenistan, September 30. The Turkmenistan’s delegation is taking part in the ‘Dushanbe-invest 2023’ International Investment Forum, which takes place from …
Turkmenistan Places Top Priority On Cutting Methane Emissions
Meanwhile, Turkmenistan plans to achieve zero growth in greenhouse gas emissions by 2030, and in the long term to significantly reduce emissions annually, both at the expense of its financial …
Turkmenistan: Roads scholars
That many more train and trucks laden with goods should be rumbling through Turkmenistan – heading north, south, west and east – is a core tenet of the government’s vision for the economic future of …
ADB formulating next country partnership strategy for Turkmenistan
Cooperation between the Asian Development Bank (ADB) and Turkmenistan is an important partnership in the field of finance and development in the Central Asian region. This partnership contributes to …