An agreement was reached to make a presentation of the center for the Tajikistan business delegation planning to visit Belarus in June 2022. The National Center for Marketing is interested in …
Belarus, Tajikistan to expand business contacts
An agreement was reached to make a presentation of the center for the Tajikistan business delegation planning to visit Belarus in June 2022. The National Center for Marketing is interested in …
TRACECA, Uzbekistan, Tajikistan planning to launch freight traffic project via e-CMR
The Permanent Secretariat of the Intergovernmental Commission (PS IGC) TRACECA considered the possible testing of freight solution via the digital waybill (e-CMR) at the crossing point between …
Belt and Road Weekly Investor Intelligence #87
This year to date, Tajikistan’s foreign trade turnover up to, and including May, increased by 20.8 percent compared to the same period of last year, reaching US$2.9 billion. President Vladimir Putin …
Tajikistan: As dust settles on Pamir conflict, Chinese roadworks begin
No sooner had Tajikistan declared victory in a bloody crackdown in its troubled east than a Chinese company was starting to overhaul the region’s sole transport link to the outside world. The revamp …
Tajikistan: As dust settles on Pamir conflict, Chinese roadworks begin
No sooner had Tajikistan declared victory in a bloody crackdown in its troubled east than a Chinese company was starting to overhaul the region’s sole transport link to the outside world. The revamp …
UNODC strengthens the capacities of the competent authorities of Tajikistan to counter the financing of terrorism
May, the UNODC Regional Office for Central Asia with the expert support of the UNODC Global Programme against Money Laundering, Proceeds of Crime and the Financing of Terrorism (GPML) and jointly with …
UNODC strengthens the capacities of the competent authorities of Tajikistan in countering the financing of terrorism
May, the UNODC Regional Office for Central Asia with the expert support of the UNODC Global Programme against Money Laundering, Proceeds of Crime and the Financing of Terrorism (GPML) and jointly with …
Tajikistan to Improve Access to Safe Drinking Water, with World Bank Support
The World Bank’s Board of Executive Directors approved today a $45 million IDA grant for the Tajikistan Water Supply and Sanitation Investment Project. The overall goal is to support Tajikistan in imp …
U.S. may let Tajikistan hold on to fleeing Afghan aircraft
The United States may let Tajikistan hold on to Afghan military aircraft donated by the U.S. that sought shelter in the Central Asian country following the U.S. withdrawal from Kabul last August, a U.