Dozens of residents of an autonomous region in Tajikistan detained since May 2022 protests are facing closed, unfair trials.
Tajikistan: Autonomous Region Protesters Denied Fair Trials
Dozens of residents of an autonomous region in Tajikistan detained since May 2022 protests are facing closed, unfair trials.
EBRD and GCF supporting development of green technologies in Tajikistan
According to the EBRD, Tajikistan’s top microlending institution Imon International will get an additional financial package in the amount of $6 million from the Bank and Green Climate Fund.
EBRD and GCF supporting development of green technologies in Tajikistan
According to the EBRD, Tajikistan’s top microlending institution Imon International will get an additional financial package in the amount of $6 million from the Bank and Green Climate Fund.
ADB Provides Additional Funding To Improve Water Supply In Tajikistan
By Trend The Asian Development Bank (ADB) has approved additional financing in the amount of $38 million for a project rehabilitating and …
ADB Provides Additional Funding To Improve Water Supply In Tajikistan
By Trend The Asian Development Bank (ADB) has approved additional financing in the amount of $38 million for a project rehabilitating and …
Tajiks Jailed For Driving Their Daughters-In-Law To Suicide Through Verbal, Emotional, And Physical Abuse
Several people have been put behind bars in Tajikistan for driving their daughters-in-law to suicide through insults and abuse. Officials say they want to send a message to abusive in-laws in the …
ADB Provides Additional Funding To Improve Water Supply In Tajikistan
By Trend The Asian Development Bank (ADB) has approved additional financing in the amount of $38 million for a project rehabilitating and …
Additional ADB Grant to Improve Water Supply, Sanitation in Dushanbe, Tajikistan
ADB has approved additional grant financing of $38 million for a project to improve water supply and sanitation in Dushanbe, Tajikistan …
Tajiks Jailed For Driving Their Daughters-In-Law To Suicide Through Verbal, Emotional, And Physical Abuse
Several people have been put behind bars in Tajikistan for driving their daughters-in-law to suicide through insults and abuse. Officials say they want to send a message to abusive in-laws in the …