Easily dismissed as a hollow, authoritarian exercise, the Tajik elections leave no doubt about who will prevail. Tajikistan security services conceded as much last month when they hounded out of the …
What’s Important About Tajikistan’s Presidential Election?
What’s at stake in Tajikistan’s election isn’t the presidency, but what comes next. Kyrgyzstan’s election-induced semi-revolution has certainly occupied most Central Asian observers this week. But …
COVID and the new debt dynamics of Kyrgyzstan and Tajikistan
For all the concerns in recent years that Kyrgyzstan and Tajikistan were falling into a Chinese debt trap, through the first half of 2020 Bishkek and Dushanbe had been meeting their commitments to …
Impact of COVID-19 on Lives, Livelihoods and Micro, Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises (MSMEs) in Tajikistan
As COVID-19 hits global economies, social and economic disparity grows in Tajikistan, putting women and youth at higher risk of long-term unemployment, UNDP finds in a comprehensive study of the …
Tajikistan revives on-off dispute with Iran
Iran is, for some reason, back in Tajikistan’s bad books. State television earlier this month carried a sensationalist documentary once more accusing Iran of funding militant activity in Tajikistan …
Uzbekistan, Tajikistan sign export contracts
During the visit, representatives of the State Committee for Geology and Mineral Resources of the Republic of Uzbekistan, Almalyk MMC and Uzmetkombinat JSCs visited Shohkadambulak Iron Ore Deposit in …
Abdulla Aripov arrives in Dushanbe
Prime Minister of the Republic of Uzbekistan Abdulla Aripov has arrived in the capital city of Tajikistan to attend the Seventh Session of the Intergovernmental Commission on Trade and Economic …
Climate Change Profile: Tajikistan
English Analysis on Tajikistan about Agriculture, Climate Change and Environment and more; published on 28 Sep 2020 by GIZ …
Uzbekistan, Tajikistan to consider resuming flights
The ministries and departments of Tajikistan and representatives of Uzbekistan government will discuss the opening of borders between the two states and the resumption of flights between Tashkent and …
Afghanistan and Tajikistan step up environmental cooperation
The Islamic Republic of Afghanistan and the Republic of Tajikistan have taken an important step in strengthening joint efforts to protect their unique, shared mountain ecosystem of the Panj Amu Darya …