Libya looks to be at the end of one bleak chapter, but there is no guarantee that the next will be any better for a country that has been torn to pieces by civil war and foreign intervention since Col …
Russia is getting more than it bargained for in Libya and Syria
Recent events in Libya and Syria suggest that Russia may not soon be able to count real wins from its investments in the Middle East and North Africa.
Syria receives advanced MiG-29 fighter jets from Russia: SANA
Fulcrums parked at Hmeimim Airbase in Syria. Syria has received a second batch of advanced MiG-29 fighter jets from Russia as Damascus and its allies are fighting a remaining Daesh pocket in the Arab …
Russia Challenges U.S. Military in Mediterranean by Asserting Foothold in Syria, Libya
Russia is expanding its presence in Syria and Libya, while checking U.S. aerial movement over the Mediterranean Sea, a strategic body of water on the southern flank of NATO.
Russia to hold talks with Syria about obtaining more facilities, maritime access: Ifax
President Vladimir Putin has ordered Russia’s defence and foreign ministries to hold talks with Syria for Moscow to obtain additional facilities and maritime access in Syria, the Interfax news agency …
A world redrawn: Syria thinker Imad Fawzi Shueibi predicts new world order
The coronavirus pandemic could create a new world order in which everyone is a loser and new alliances are born to overcome disaster, Syrian thinker Imad Fawzi Shueibi said. The Damascus University …
Gayle Tzemach Lemmon ISIS is using coronavirus to rebuild its terrorism network in Iraq and Syria
The fight may feel far away to Americans, but the resurgence of ISIS will have far-reaching consequences both abroad and nearer to home.
Halifax man faces August trial on charge of doing business with Syria
A Halifax businessman charged with violating Canada’s economic sanctions against Syria will stand trial in Nova Scotia Supreme Court in August. Nader Mohamad Kalai, 54, is the first person to be …
EU renews Syria sanctions with conflict in its 10th year
The European Union is prolonging for another year its sanctions against Syrian President Bashar Assad and other top political officials, military officers and business people over the regime’s …
UNHCR helps displaced Syrian-Armenians facing hardship amid pandemic
Syrians who fled conflict to the land of their ancestors in Armenia are struggling to restart their lives amid the COVID-19 pandemic. UNHCR has stepped in to provide support. Life was tough for George …