The World Trade Organization said Saudi Arabia helped the piracy of Premier League games but the appeal is unlikely to be held swiftly prolonging the takeover saga …
Saudi Arabia Holds Modest Hajj in Mecca Amid Coronavirus Worries
A dramatically scaled-down hajj pilgrimage got under way in Mecca, Saudi Arabia, with Muslim worshipers confined to small groups to prevent the spread of coronavirus.
Hajj rituals begin in Saudi Arabia with COVID-19 measures
The annual pilgrimage to Islamic sites will be scaled down this year in order to prevent the virus from spreading.
Somalia Usually Sells Millions of Animals to Saudi Arabia to Feed Hajj Pilgrims. This Year, It Has Nowhere to Send Its Goats.
Somalia Usually Sells Millions of Animals … The annual hajj pilgrimage to Mecca was slated to begin this week. In normal times, pilgrims from around the world would be flocking to Islam’s holiest …
Saudi Arabia’s Hajj scaled down by coronavirus pandemic
and they didn’t get the chance yet.” The hajj, which began Tuesday, isone of Islam’s most important requirements meant to be performed once in a lifetime, draws 2.5 million people to Saudi Arabia …
Hajj pilgrimage begins in Saudi Arabia with limits on crowds
The Hajj, Islam’s most sacred pilgrimage, started late Tuesday in Saudi Arabia under coronavirus restrictions that greatly limited the crowds normally associated with the usually well-attended event.
Riot Games Will Regret Saudi Arabia’s Sponsorship of League of Legends
There’s a Riot going down: why their deal with Saudi Arabia ties Riot Games to all of that government’s human rights abuses.
Yemen’s separatists to give up self-rule, push peace deal
Yemen’s leading separatist group says it will abandon its aspirations for self-rule to implement a stalled peace deal brokered by Saudi Arabia …
Coronavirus: Scaled back Hajj pilgrimage due to start in Saudi Arabia
Hajj pilgrimage usually performed by Muslims around the world begins on Wednesday, dramatically scaled back because of coronavirus. Saudi Arabia has banned international visitors from making the …
Saudi Arabia records lowest daily COVID-19 case increase since June
LONDON: Saudi Arabia recorded on Tuesday its lowest daily increase in cases of the novel coronavirus (COVID-19) since June, the health ministry announced. The ministry announced 1,897 new cases of the …