Advisor on Finance Abdul Hafeez Sheikh, releasing the Pakistan Economic Survey 2019-20 said the economy suffered massively due to the coronavirus pandemic which has so far infected about 120,000 …
Pakistan Economic Survey 2020
Thursday by Advisor to the Prime Minister on Finance Abdul Hafeez Shaikh detailing the shocks to the economy due to the ongoing health crisis. Finance Advisor Hafeez touched upon the fragile situation …
Pakistan Budget 2020-21: 18.53 million jobs to be lost if complete shutdown becomes necessary
According to that survey, the highest unemployment (11.56%) is prevalent among the age 20-24, indicating youth unemployment …
Oman’s Taageer Finance shareholders approve up to $25.97mln bond issuance
Shareholders of Oman’s Taageer Finance Company have approved the issuance of up to 10 million Omani riyals ($25.97 million) unsecured and unconvertible secondary bonds. The issuance of secondary bonds …
Jardine Cycle & Carriage and Cycle & Carriage Singapore ‘Step Up’ to Raise Funds for Reach Community Services Society
Through an innovative team effort, while staying within safe distancing measures, Jardine Cycle & Carriage (“JC&C;”), an investment holding company with diversified interests in market-leading …
For UAE property, the question of renting versus owning has no easy answers
End users are wary of committing to buying when property prices are still falling COVID-19: Cancelled UAE visa – do you need to pay overstay fines? COVID-19: I had a baby but lost my job – should I …
Nepal ruling party split over US aid threat to China relations
“We may have differences over the agreement, but it should not hurt our friendly relations and the environment for international aid,” Yuba Raj Khatiwada, the finance minister and government spokesman …
China’s Banks Asked to Stop Funding Turkey’s Coal Industry
More than 20 non-governmental organizations have called on Chinese banks to withdraw financial support for a coal-fired power plant under construction in Turkey, citing environmental damage and a …
Philips Lumify handheld ultrasound solution launched in Japan to enable powerful diagnostics at the bedside
Royal Philips (NYSE: PHG, AEX: PHIA), a global leader in health technology, today announced that its Lumify with Reacts handheld tele-ultrasound solution is now commercially available in Japan. Philip …
Bangladesh unveils Tk 5.68 trillion budget for FY21 to tackle pandemic
Finance Minister AHM Mustafa Kamal has tabled a national budget of Tk 5.68 trillion for fiscal year 2020-21 to propel the government’s two-pronged efforts to salvage an economy battered by the …