Corinne Aivazian’s efforts to revive traditional Armenian clay practices have landed her in a place that, at first glance, might seem like an unlikely one for answers: Oaxaca, Mexico. But let’s start …
Armenia to map business processes for management of risks of large taxpayers
A complete mapping of business processes for management of the risks of large taxpayers will be implemented in Armenia, the State Revenue Committee (SRC) said today.
How this village in Armenia is keeping a 5000 year old cheese-making tradition alive
Motal is sold primarily in Armenian supermarkets as well as in some restaurants … It’s like combining your hobby with a business. You have to love this job. If you don’t love this job, you can’t do …
Armenian philanthropist involved in another Russian corruption scandal
Armenian philanthropist is at the center of another corruption scandal. But you won’t hear about it in the Armenian media.
Level of dollarization of deposits decreased in Georgia
Number of POS-terminals dropped by deprivation of licenses of some banks Finance 17:34 Bryza: Resettling Lebanese people of Armenian origin in Nagorno-Karabakh is a provocation by Armenia Nagorno …
Armenia-Azerbaijan territorial dispute remains critical flashpoint
The long-standing military confrontation between Armenia and Azerbaijan over the disputed territory of Nagorno-Karabakh has been a cause of conflict between the …
Armenian government to release $35 million to finance construction of new metro station in Yerevan
Construction of a new metro (subway) station in Armenia’s capital Yerevan is estimated to cost $35 million, Mayor Hayk Marutyan told reporters on Monday.
Egypt, Armenia FMs probe bilateral relations
Foreign Minister Sameh Shoukry and his Armenian counterpart Zohrab Mnatsakanyan discussed on Sunday 13/9/2020 boosting deeply-rooted relations binding the two countries in the different domains.
Alcohol poisoning death toll rises to 21 in Armenia
The death toll from poisoning linked to toxic vodka in Armenia rose to 21 as another victim died on Saturday. From August 31 to September 12, a total of 46 cases of alcohol poisoning were recorded in …
Armenia replaces state of emergency with nationwide quarantine
The Armenian government decided today to replace the state of emergency, declared on March 16 to stop the spread of coronavirus, with nationwide quarantine regime that will be in force until January …