North Korea's power supply situation is "not good," and the regime must strive for better results, Pyongyang's minister of electric power industry said Monday. ( read original story ...)
North Korea claims it has zero coronavirus cases — defectors and experts think otherwise
Outsiders strongly suspect that coronavirus has already spread to North Korea because it shares a long, porous border with China ... ( read original story ...)
Saudi Arabia gets physical with Russia in underground oil bout
Russian truce to stabilise oil markets with a record output cut, market players are seeing the two production heavyweights still trading blows in the physical market. It is here, rather than in the ... ( read original story ...)
Dozens Dead In Fresh Wave Of Taliban Violence In Afghanistan
The Taliban have killed at least 23 Afghan troops and nine civilians, officials said Monday, as a fresh wave of violence grips Afghanistan despite a deal with the US and a worsening coronavirus crisis ... ( read original story ...)
South Korea resorts to GPS forensics to tackle illegal boats
South Korea is turning to digital forensics to recover deleted data on GPS units found on Chinese fishing boats. ( read original story ...)
Frustrated by Lack of Coronavirus Tests, Maryland Got 500,000 From South Korea
Facing shortages, Gov. Larry Hogan and his wife, Yumi Hogan, negotiated with suppliers in South Korea to obtain the kits. “It should not have been this difficult,” he said. ( read original story ...)
Report: South Korea planning mask shipments to Korean War veterans
South Korea is extending a helping hand to foreign veterans of the 1950-53 Korean War with planned shipments of face masks. ( read original story ...)
How South Korea managed to flatten the COVID-19 curve
South Korean police officers wearing masks walk in front of the Deoksu palace in downtown Seoul. (Lee Jin-Man/The Associated Press) South Korea's first line of defence against COVID-19 now is at the ... ( read original story ...)
Empty Beaches from COVID-19 Lockdown Leads to Huge Spike in Sea Turtle Nests in Florida and Thailand
The absence of beachgoers offers turtles the chance to hatch without disturbance, while a lack of activity in the water enables adult turtles to mate closer to the shoreline. ( read original story ...)
Thailand sees record sea turtle numbers as tourists keep away
A record number of baby leatherback sea turtles have hatched in Thailand after the coronavirus pandemic kept tourists away from the country's southern Phang Nga province, which is famous for its ... ( read original story ...)