The two Asian powerhouses are locked in a bitter standoff in the remote Ladakh region in the Western Himalayas. ( read original story ...)
China easing airline access amid coronavirus, conflict with Trump administration
Chinese regulators said more foreign airlines will be allowed to fly to China as anti-coronavirus controls ease. Will it defuse conflict with the USA? ( read original story ...)
Hong Kong’s Tiananmen Square vigil banned for 1st time as China cracks down
Police cite coronavirus in banning solemn candlelight vigil, but pro-democracy activists see it as part of a push to quash freedoms in the region. ( read original story ...)
On Tiananmen Anniversary, Hong Kong Makes Mocking China’s Anthem a Crime
As the contentious bill became law, activists planned to commemorate China’s bloody 1989 crackdown, despite a ban on the annual vigil. ( read original story ...)
Hong Kong Is Caught in the Middle of the Great U.S.-China Power Struggle
Life in Hong Kong had only just started to resemble a new normal after the threat of the pandemic subsided. But there they were again on May 24, dressed in black, ready for the storm brewing. “This is ... ( read original story ...)
Hong Kong outlaws insulting China’s national anthem
Hong Kong’s legislature has passed a contentious bill that makes it illegal to insult the Chinese national anthem ... ( read original story ...)
China Says US Trade Sanctions On Hong Kong Violate WTO Rules
Washington's decision to strip Hong Kong of its special trading status violates rules of the World Trade Organization, China said Thursday. President Donald Trump announced Friday that the US will ... ( read original story ...)
China and Singapore’s Air-Travel Experiment: A ‘Fast Lane’ With Lots of Waiting
Singapore and China will allow some business travel between the two countries to restart as they ease border controls designed to slow the pandemic’s spread. ( read original story ...)
China marks Tiananmen anniversary with crackdown, ban on Hong Kong vigil
China tightened controls over dissidents while pro-democracy activists in Hong Kong and elsewhere sought ways to mark the 31st anniversary Thursday of the crushing of the pro-democracy movement ... ( read original story ...)
Tiananmen Square Gave China ‘Political Vaccine’ Against Unrest Which U.S. Does Not Have, State Media Editor Says
Hu Xijin—the editor of the Global Times newspaper—accused the U.S. of exporting civil unrest but being unable to deal with its own. ( read original story ...)