Business wish list in PRRD’s 5th SONA

Inclusion in IATF, priority bills, agenda for next two years, WPS Disappointed over the policies on the health crisis and economy, the business sector would like to hear President Rodrigo Roa Duterte’ ... ( read original story ...)

Amending the 1987 Philippine Constitution

There have been talks recently on the move to amend and revise the Philippine Constitution (1987).  Some of what I’ve read anchor their arguments on two issues: 1.     To institutionalize the Mandanas ... ( read original story ...)

China Doesn’t Want to Conquer, Just Do Business

Brown/AFP/ Secretary of State Mike Pompeo said Thursday that the purpose of China’s People’s Liberation Army is not to protect its homeland but to “expand a Chinese empire.” Earlier this month, he ... ( read original story ...)