Georgia Gov. Brian Kemp announced on Monday that gyms, hair salons, nail salons, barbershops, and bowling alleys are among the businesses that will be allowed to reopen in the state on Friday. Kemp …
Despite not hitting the White House benchmarks, Georgia scales back social distancing measures
The metrics set by the federal government includes measures of both the spread of covid-19 symptoms and actual cases. If a state saw a downward trend in reports of influenza-like …
Georgia schools to remain closed as businesses begin reopening
Georgia schools will remain closed after businesses, places of worship and other public spaces open on a limited basis Monday. Gov. Brian Kemp said he will relax some of the rules he put in place to …
Gyms, hair salons, bowling alleys and tattoo parlors: Georgia Gov. Brian Kemp says some shuttered businesses can reopen Friday
Georgia Gov. Brian Kemp on Monday rolled out aggressive plans to reopen the state’s economy, saying many businesses shuttered to mitigate the spread of the coronavirus may reopen their doors as early …
Georgia governor gives green light for some businesses to reopen on Friday
Haircuts, tattoos, and bowling matches will be back on the menu for people in Georgia following a new order lifting many of the coronavirus restrictions put in place.
Georgia Allowing Restaurants, Salons and Gyms To Reopen Later This Week
During his latest coronavirus briefing, Georgia Governor Brian Kemp shared a list of businesses permitted to reopen starting April 24, with a second wave scheduled to resume operations three days …
Kuwait expands curfew, extends public sector work suspension
Kuwait will extend the suspension of work in the public sector including at government ministries until May 31 and expand a nationwide curfew to 16 hours as part of efforts to combat the novel …
Kuwait expands coronavirus curfew during Ramadan, extends public sector suspension
Kuwait announces it is extending the suspension of work across all state institutions until May 28 and expanding its nationwide curfew to 16 hours as part of the country’s efforts to combat the spread …
Kuwait extends curfew time to curb spread of COVID-19
KUWAIT CITY, April 20 (Xinhua) — The Kuwaiti government has decided to extend the curfew time by three hours as part of the efforts to curb the spread of COVID-19, the government spokesman said …
Kuwait gov’t adopt multi-facted measures to curb coronavirus spread
Kuwait government monday adopted multi-faceted measures aimed at curbing spread of coronavirus and taking action against people who violated the curfew and home quarantine. The government, chaired by …